Monday, December 3, 2007

Ch 12

1. What is educational technology literacy?
Educational technology literacy is an essential skill that must be acquired and kept up to date. It is more than just being technology literate it is also knowing how to apply technology to education and teaching.
2. What umpact does NCLB have on educational technology standards?
NCLB requires that when students reach eighth grade they will technology literate. This has required a series and actions to be put into place to evaluate the use of technology within schools and to improve the success of students. Forty eight states have developed technology standards for students. States have also developed technology standards for teachers associated with technology and have included them both directly and indirectly, within their certification requirements.

3. What is certification? What role does technology literacy play in certification and licensure?
Certification is requirements set up by the state's Department of Education. Teachers must fufill certain basic requirements in order to be certified and able to teach. Technology standards must be met in order for a teacher to become certified and retain their state teaching certification.

4. What is the difference between state and national certification? How is technology literacy incorporated in each?
State certification allows educators to be certified in one particular state. National certification is a certification set up to encourage teachers to be certified nationally having the opportunity to teach anywhere in the United States. Many school districts and states use the NETS-T standards to ensure teachers are proficient in all areas of technology. These are used both statewide and nationally.

5. How and for what purpose did ISTE establish NETS? What standards are currently in place?
ISTE established NETS through their poject called Technology Foundation Standards for students. The project began to create a series of national standards that would guide the use of educational technology by students, teachers, and other staff members. They are used to help benchmark student achievement in technological areas that are considered to be critical for both societial and industrial success and also to measure how prepared technologically teachers are. The NETS-T standards are Technology operations and concepts, planning and designing effective learning environments supported by technology, teaching, learning, and the curriculum, assessment and evaluation, productivity and professional practice, and social, ethical, legal and human issues.
6. How have states used NETS for furthering the advancement of educational technology?
States have used NETS to help set benchmarks and decide how to implement those goals and skills into the curriculum.
7.What is NCATE? How have NETS standards changed college programs through NCATE adoption? NCATE is the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education which is the official body for accrediting teacher preperation programs. NCATE adopted the NETS standards which now requires teacher education programs to implement technology classes into their requirements. This is needed to help develop understanding of the use of technology for subjects students taking the program plan to teach, the impact of the changes in technology on schools, and the use of computer and other technologies for the use in instruction, professional development and assessment.
8. What options do preservice teachers have to achieve technology standards? How do they differ from options offered to inservice teachers?
Preservice teachers are able to achieve the technology standards through their classes and other professional development offered to them through the schooling they are taking. Inservice teachers don't have those same opportunities and must find other ways to keep up to date such as conferences, technology classes or they can return to college or a university and recieve college credit in order to keep their technology status up to date.
9. How do corporations provide training resources for teachers?
Corporations provide online training opportinities for teachers to get professional workshops and distance education. Apple offers professional development at
10.What unique technology training is required for noninstructional educators? Why are they different? Along with many adminstrative tasks specialists are required to make the most of online resources to benefit students. They must all acquire their own technology competencies. Media specialists or librarians must be able to assist students beyond the books. Adminstrators be able to use technology to make effective, educated decisions along with being able to collaborate with other adminstrators and teachers.

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