Saturday, September 22, 2007

Blogs in my Future Classroom

Blogs can be such an effective tool for students and teachers alike. Students can recieve specific feedback from their teachers or other peers to help increase and better their writing abilities. This works for high school, middle school and even upper elementary students. However, I plan on teaching early elementary students. While some of these students might find blogs useful, most probably wouldn't use one because they are just learning to read and write. I think in my case a blog would be useful for communication with parents and other teachers. I would be able to post upcoming events and field trips, and post classroom news about what we are currently learning. This would be helpful because parents would really be able to understand what is going on in the classroom and be able to be more a part of their child's education. Parents would also be able to give feedback to me and could take what we are learning at school and reinforce it at home. Working in a classroom now, I see how difficult it is to get the students to get all of their papers about upcoming events, homework assignments, and other things home with them. This would be a great way for students to work with their parents to get their homework assignments and announcements from school so everybody knows what is going on. This would also cut down paper waste. Having a blog and such a young age would be beneficial to them when they get older because they would be accustomed to using it and eventually would become very proficient with their blog and would no longer require their parents to help them. When they get old enough the students will be able to communicate with classmates and teachers about assignments and not only learn from their teachers in the classroom but also gain many perspectives on the subject matter being taught. I think this would have been a great way to learn when I was in middle school and high school especially. It would add a whole other dynamic to learning.